Castor College

Castor College – mavo-havo-atheneum-gymnasium | We zien je!
About our school: Castor College M/H/A/G is a secondary school, located in Beverwijk, a city not too far from Amsterdam.

It is a working class city in transition to a service economy. However, many people still work at a large steelfactory called Tata Steel. Beverwijk has 40.000 inhabitants. A part of the city is near the North-Sea coast, this village is called Wijk aan Zee. This is a very attractive place for tourists, just like the Zwarte Markt (Black market): a big international Bazaar.

The school has about 1300 students and 110 teachers. You can study at three different levels which are called HAVO (preparation for higher education), VWO (preparation for University) and Gymnasium. Besides the regular lessons the school gives you the opportunity to develop yourself with challenging projects and activities. The Erasmus+ project is an example of one of these projects.

Carl Humann Gymnasium (Essen, Germany)

Home – Carl-Humann-Gymnasium Essen
A school with tradition, committed to the future.
On April 4, 2019, we unanimously adopted the mission statement currently valid at our school in the school conference. Parents, students and teachers have worked together on this mission statement and tried to find answers to these questions: “What values do we represent? What are our general and specific objectives? How do we understand successful learning?”

You can read the result here:

  • We form a community that trains mature, politically engaged and broadly qualified young people.
  • Our attitude is benevolent, unbiased, appreciative and respectful. We are aware of our ecological responsibility.
  • We are a cosmopolitan school that welcomes pupils, parents and teachers of all cultures. We also invite alumni, friends and other interested parties to actively participate in school life.
  • We provide our pupils with a comprehensive general education and social skills so that they can orient themselves in the changing world and help shape it.
  • We offer high-quality subject teaching in a pleasant atmosphere as well as a modern learning environment. In addition, school profiles and extracurricular activities reinforce the multifaceted training.
  • We impart to pupils the joy of learning and enable everyone to identify with the school. You will acquire the competence to lead a self-directed life and reflect on the assumption of social responsibility.
  • We maintain regular exchange with all those involved in school life and hold in high regard fair social interaction with each other.
  • Competent teachers, helpful pupils and supportive parents work cooperatively together to create set structures for learning and relaxing.

Benjamin Malossane College – Saint Jean en Royans

Benjamin Malossane College – Saint Jean en Royans

The BMC is a regional secondary school in the heart of the Vercors region in France. You can visit their website for more information using the link above.