

Monday 15-11-2021

08.30 Arrival at school, assembly in the auditorium
08.45 Welcome by the headmaster Mr. Marc van Buuren
09.00 Official opening of the project by the coordinator Mr. Ari Smit
09.15-11.00 Introduction program by students of the Kennemer College including
tour of the school, introduction of the partner schools
11.00-11.30 Break (classroom 204)
11.30 Introduction of the topic ‘climate change’; study of scientific articles in
international groups (classroom 204 and 205)
13.00-13.30 Lunch break (classroom 204)
13.45-15.30 Lecture on climate change by Dr. Ir. c from the University
of Amsterdam. All students take notes during the lecture. After the
lecture students are expected to ask relevant questions. Questions and
notes are the basis for a summary to be made afterwards.
16.00 End of the school program

Tuesday 16-11-2021

08.45 Assembly in the auditorium
09.00-10.30 Lecture by Dr. Ted Veldkamp, expert on climate adaptation from the
University of Amsterdam of Applied Sciences. All students take notes
during the lecture. After the lecture students are expected to ask
relevant questions. Questions and notes are the basis for a summary to
be made afterwards.
11.00-11.30 Break (classroom 204)
11.30 International groups of students summarize the lectures of both
professors (today and yesterday) for the website (classroom 204, 205).
13.00-13.30 Lunch break (classroom 204)
13.30-16.00 Students investigate different locations around school in international
groups using an app on their mobile phones. Students share their
experiences and make a short report of their findings for the website.
16.00 End of the school program

Wednesday 17-11-2021

08.30 Assembly in the auditorium
09.00 Excursion: participation in a climate adaptation project in Heemskerk
13.00-13.30 Lunch break (classroom 204)
13.30 Tegelwippen (‘tile flipping’) at the schoolyard; making the schoolyard
16.00 End of the school program

Thursday 18-11-2021

Visit to Amsterdam, all students in the project join the program

09.00 Departure from school by bus
10.30 Amsterdam Rainproof excursion
12.00 Lunch (host families provide the lunch)
13.00 Canal cruise
14.30 Rijksmuseum
16.00 Leisure time
19.00 Dinner at The Pancake Bakery (Prinsengracht 191)
20.30 Departure to Beverwijk by bus

Friday 19-11-2021

08.45-11.00 Short debate course for students and final international debate
competition in mixed groups about climate adaptation issues
(classroom 311)
11.00-11.30 Break (classroom 204)
11.30-12.30 Debate (classroom 311)
12.30 Preparation of varied dishes for the international buffet by students and
host families
18.00 Auditorium buffet and a short preview of the pictures made this week;
families, teachers and all students are invited

Monday 4-4-2022

9:00-9:45 School presentations
10:00-10:30 Ice breaking acitvities
10:30 Break
11:00 School tour
11:30 13:00 Lecture with PhD. Sergio Vicente IPE (Pyreneens ecology institure) / students take notes for report and websit
13:00-14:00 Luch
Afeternoon: Report writing

Tuesday 5-4-2022

9:00-10:00 Conclusion from last day
10:30-14:00 Walk and observation on the river banks wih university professor PhD. Francisco Pellicer; visit of Expo and Water park
Cultural afternoon with families / teachers free

Wednesday 6-4-2022

8:30-9:30 Conclusion from last day
10:00 Visit to Aljaferia Catle
11:30 Break
12:00 Visit to Zaragozo (in groups, with questions and challenges) (INCLUDING SNACK BREAK)

Thursday 7-4-2022

Bus departure from school
-Bescós dee la Garcipollera: ground uses and climate.
-Aratorés: vegetation layers.
-Caniás – Novés: experimental parcel
-Jaca: lunch
-Biescas: extreme floods in drought times
Arrival to Zaragoza around 19:00-19:30

Friday 8-4-2022

9:30-10:45 Environmental Classroom ”La Calle Indiscreta”
Strategies to save waer and resources.
10:45 Break
11:15 Visit to Hydrological Survey System (SAIH)
12:30-13:00 Students go home to prepare the afternoon
18:00-19:30 Family farewell party
Place: Sports pavilion all together

Monday 4-4-2022

9:00-9:45 School presentations
10:00-10:30 Ice breaking acitvities
10:30 Break
11:00 School tour
11:30 13:00 Lecture with PhD. Sergio Vicente IPE (Pyreneens ecology institure) / students take notes for report and websit
13:00-14:00 Luch
Afeternoon: Report writing

Tuesday 5-4-2022

9:00-10:00 Conclusion from last day
10:30-14:00 Walk and observation on the river banks wih university professor PhD. Francisco Pellicer; visit of Expo and Water park
Cultural afternoon with families / teachers free

Wednesday 6-4-2022

8:30-9:30 Conclusion from last day
10:00 Visit to Aljaferia Catle
11:30 Break
12:00 Visit to Zaragozo (in groups, with questions and challenges) (INCLUDING SNACK BREAK)

Thursday 7-4-2022

Bus departure from school
-Bescós dee la Garcipollera: ground uses and climate.
-Aratorés: vegetation layers.
-Caniás – Novés: experimental parcel
-Jaca: lunch
-Biescas: extreme floods in drought times
Arrival to Zaragoza around 19:00-19:30

Friday 8-4-2022

9:30-10:45 Environmental Classroom ”La Calle Indiscreta”
Strategies to save waer and resources.
10:45 Break
11:15 Visit to Hydrological Survey System (SAIH)
12:30-13:00 Students go home to prepare the afternoon
18:00-19:30 Family farewell party
Place: Sports pavilion all together


Monday 03-10-2022

Opening the second year of the project
● 9.00 Participants are welcomed by school headmaster and project coordinators in Portogruaro City Hall
● 9.15
  ○ Students from Dutch and Spanish team summarize C1 and C2 activities
  ○ Students from Italian team present C3 topics
● 10.30 Coffee break
● 11.00 “Mose. The Defense System to Safeguard Venice and Its Lagoon” presentation by
Consorzio Venezia Nuova. Students take notes and make relevant questions.
● 12.00 “Fragile Venice. An Overview on Vulnerability and Adaptation” lecture by Dr. Arch.
Greta Bruschi IUAV – Students take notes and make relevant questions.
● 13.00 – 14.00 Lunch break (free)
● 14.00 – 15.30
 ○ STUDENTS: “Looking for Venice in Portogruaro” –     Actionbound in the city center.

Tuesday 04-10-2022

“Adapt your future! Let’s talk about climate change”
Convention at University of Trieste
● 7.30 Departure from Portogruaro – Piazza Castello (by private bus)
(Students take notes and make relevant questions as a basis for reports to
be made afterwards):
● 9.10-9.55 prof. Fermeglia, “There is no planet B! How to avoid the perfect storm”
● 10.05-10.50 prof. Fontolan, “Sea level rise: willing to accept a new coastal landscape?”
● 10.50-11.20 Coffee Break
● 11.20-12.05 prof. Manzan, “Empowering Energy and Climate Action Plans – SECAPs”
● 12.15-13.00 dr. Colleoni, “Why should we care for the fate of Antarctica?”
● 13.30 Lunch Break (at University canteen)
(Small groups of students will take part in the workshops of their
interest, to be chosen in advance):
● Path 1: Renewable Energy
○ 14.15-16.30 prof. Massi Pavan – prof. Reini “Smart Grids and technologies for the
energetic transition”
● Path 2: Ecosystems and Hydrogeological Assets
○ 14.15-15.15 prof. Bacaro “Climate change’s impact on key ecosystem services and
the human well-being they support”
○ 15.15-16.30 prof. Calligaris “Climate change’s impact in groundwater resources and
hydrogeological risk assessment”
● Path 3: Discussion Game
○ 14.15-16.30 dr. Alessio “Let’s discuss climate adaptation!”
● 16.30 – 18.30 Visiting Trieste city center
● 18.30 Departure from Trieste – Piazza Unità
● 19.30/20.00 Arrival at Portogruaro – Piazza Castello

Wednesday 05-10-2022

Report Day #1
● 9.00 -11.00 Work in international groups on reports of previous day lectures +
school tour in small groups
● 11.00 Break
● 11.15 – 13.00 Introducing the visit to Venice; planning the “Logbook on Adaptation”
● 13.00 Students go home
● In the afternoon: leisure time with hosting families

Thursday 06-10-2022

“Adaptation Walk in Venice”
● 8.25 Departure from Portogruaro train station
● 9.30 – 12.30 Visit to adaptation measures in Venice guided by IUAV (Istituto Universitario
di Architettura di Venezia) researchers. Case studies: Cà Tron; Palazzo Malipiero; Saint
Mark Square. (Students take notes, pictures or sketches of the adaptation measures they
will notice on sites visited and during the walk through Venice streets. All the materials
will be collected and organized to create afterwards the “Logbook on Adaptation”)
● 13.00 Lunch Break
● 14.15- 16.30 Cultural guided tour of Palazzo Ducale (Doge’s Palace)
● 16.30 – 18.30 Free time in Venice (Students and teachers will have free access also to
Museo Correr, included in Doge’s Palace entrance ticket, as an option for a personal
cultural visit)
● 18:39 Departure from Venezia Santa Lucia train station
● 19.35 Arrival at Portogruaro train station

Friday 07-10-2022

Report Day #2
● 9.00 -11.00 Work in international groups creating the “Logbook on Adaptation” (Students
organize the materials collected in Venice in dedicated Google Drive folders)
● 11.00 Break
● 11.15 – 13.00 Establishing national Climate Panels + Work in international groups (Students
share national best practices on adaptation; select topics and plan possible activities to
work on during the second year of the project and later on)
● 13.00 Students return home
● In the afternoon they will prepare national specialties with hosting families
● 18.30 -22.00 Farewell party “See you in France!” (At the beginning of the party French
students will briefly introduce C4 topics)


Monday 26-03-2023

8:30-9:00 Visit of the high school
9:00-10:00 School presentations
10:00 Breaking Ice activities
11:00-12:00 Climate collage
12:00 Erasmus+ opening ceremony
13:00 Lunch at school
14:00 Conference Adaptation Round tables and two lectures by University experts on (1) Biodiversity in cities and climate issues; and (2) Heat in the City 
15:00-16:00 Sharing knowledge

Tuesday 27-03-2023

8:00 Departure to the Museum of Confluence
10:00 visit of the exhibition on Rivers
11:00 picnic
12:00 Departure for Mont D’Ain
14.00 Hike in the windmill park (4 University experts explain the functioning of windmills with billboards, while on site)
17:00 Back to highschool

Wednesday 28-03-2023

9:00 Miniature modelling activity (Students work in international groups on 3D models of specific residential areas of Lyon in order to insert relevant climate adaptation measures; models are primarily made of paper and styrofoam)
12:00 Afternoon with the families

Thursday 29-03-2023

8:00 Departure to Lyon
9:00 Visit of the old town
11:00 Welcome at Lyon Town Hall and a lecture by the municipal expert on climate adaptation measures in Lyon
12:00 ZERO Waste picnic
13:00 Visit of neighborhoods of the city (Students visit residential areas in order to investigate actual climate adaptation measures which can then later be inserted into their own 3D models; students make pictures)
17:00 Back in Amberieu

Friday 30-03-2023

8:00 Content Recap from Tuesday & Thursday
9:00 End of Miniature modelling activity
12:00 Lunch at school
14:00 Meeting of the national climate panels
17:00 Farewell party